Angela Wang's Journal
Jan 2007
5:34 PM EDT
About 10:30, I took my son out to take a stroll. But I feel very gloomy today about the quality of atmosphere in this city. The pollutants are always full of the whole lower sky. Sometimes the emission from the vehicle makes us breath in difficulty. So people have to take a mask on their mouthes and noses in order to keep off pollutants. I think the pollution from cars are becoming very serious, and I feel less and less sense of security living in big cities. The pollutants are threatening our health at an unexpected speed. As an environmentalist, I am worrying about such sitution. However, I personally realize my power is too weak to change thesurroundings.
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Angela Wang's Profile
Angela Wang
Gender / Age:
Female, 47
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ANGELA WANG's Interests:
About Me:
I am a Chinese girl studying in a college majoring environmental science for my master degree. I am married, and have a very good husband.
Reading, traveling although I am poor and could not afford it.
Favorite Music:
folk songs
Favorite Movies:
Forest Gum
Favorite Television:
nature program
Favorite Books:
red dream